Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting
December 15, 2009

The Houghton County Board of Commissioners held a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. in the 5th Floor Conference Room of the Courthouse, City of Houghton.

The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Paul Luoma. After the Pledge of Allegiance the following commissioners responded to roll call: Edward Jenich, District 1; Dennis Barrette, District 2; Anton Pintar, District 3; Scott Ala, District 4; and Paul Luoma, District 5.

Commissioner Luoma asked for a moment of silence for the former Director of Social Services, Scott Dickson, who passed away November 19.

A motion was made by Commissioner Barrette to approve the Board meeting minutes as presented for the November 10, 2009 Regular Meeting and the December 2, 2009 Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ala. The motion carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Commissioner Pintar made a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of #6 Vacancy on Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Jenich. The motion carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Public Comment None.

Commissioner Jenich made a motion to approve paying the bills submitted of vouchers #1190804 through #119905 for a total of $64,306.27, along with the late bills of $2,278.05 for a grand total of $66,584.32. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pintar. The motion carried by the following vote.

YES: Jenich, Pintar, Barrette, Ala, Luoma 5.

NO: None 0.

Correspondence None

Reports Standing Committees

Commissioner Barrette reported to the Board on the following: Houghton County Airport, Commissioner Barrette also announced there will be a community meeting held at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 9 on the MTU campus. Skywest Airlines, along with an airport consultant will be there to help our community with the transition to the new airline service and answer any questions.

Commissioner Pintar reported to the Board on the following: Houghton Keweenaw Soil Conservation District, Planning Commission, Copper Country Trail Committee, Solid Waste Planning Committee, and Western Upper Peninsula Health Board.

Commissioner Ala reported to the Board on the following: Head Start, Michigan Works, Portage Lake Multi Rec., Great Starts, and Houghton County Fair Board.

Commissioner Jenich reported to the Board on the following: KEDA, Houghton County Medical Care Board, Department of Human Services, Law Enforcement Committee, Quincy Smelter, and Houghton County Finances.

Commissioner Luoma reported to the Board on the following: Court House Union negotiations.

Reports County Officers

John Partanen, Houghton County Equalization Director, stated that Representative Lahti has introduced a bill to expand the principal residence exemption. It has passed both the House and Senate and is waiting for the Governor to sign. This would only affect the school millage.

New Business

1. Houghton County Transfer Station. Dick Supina from Traverse Engineering was present and informed the Board regarding the problems at the Transfer Station. He said they have been monitoring the structure since 1992. It was recommended in 1995 that the County close the transfer station for repairs. He said at this time the transfer station is still moving he is recommending the County build a new transfer station. Two locations have been looked at and engineering estimates have been furnished on both sights. He is recommending the site on Erickson Drive in Atlantic Mine. Numerous questions were asked and pros and cons on both sites were looked at. Eric mentioned the County would be eligible for a 15% grant for construction.

Commissioner Pintar made a motion to plan to build a transfer station at the Atlantic Mine site. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Barrette. The motion carried by the following vote.

YES: Pintar, Barrette, Jenich, Luoma 4.

NO: Ala 1.

2. Resolution of Notice of Intent. A motion was made by Commissioner Pintar and seconded by Commissioner Barrette to approve the resolution authorizing notice of intent to issue bonds. The motion carried by the following vote.

YES: Pintar, Barrette, Jenich, Luoma 4.

NO: Ala1.

3. Department of Human Services open board seat. A motion was made by Commissioner Jenich to advertise to fill the vacancy of the partial term expiring October 31, 2010. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ala. The motion carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

4. Travel Requests

a. Robert Rashleigh – District Court. Commissioner Barrette made a motion to approve the travel request for Robert Rashleigh. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Pintar. The motion carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

5. Appropriations

a. Western U.P. District Health Cigarette Tax - $6,330.00. A motion was made by Commissioner Jenich and seconded by Commissioner Ala to approve the appropriations listed above. The motion carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

6. Planning Commission vacancy. Commissioner Pintar asked that an ad be placed to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission.

Public Comment None

A motion was made by Commissioner Barrette to adjourn. There being no objection, the meeting was adjourned.

Paul Luoma, Chairman

Mary Schoos, Clerk