Board Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting / Public Hearing
December 14, 2004

The Houghton County Board of Commissioners held a Regular Meeting / Public Hearings on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, in the Circuit Court Room of the Courthouse, City of Houghton.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mike Lahti, at 4:30 P.M.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, the following commissioners responded to roll call: Edward Jenich, District 1; Dennis Barrette, District 2; Michael Lahti, District 3; Scott Ala, District 4; and Paul Luoma, District 5.

Commissioner Lahti announced the Public Hearing for the new E- 911 Service Plan was open. Commissioner Lahti stated the Public Hearing is regarding the move of 911 from Laurium to Negaunee. He then opened the floor for comment. Numerous Houghton County residents in attendance voiced their opinions and asked questions ranging from why the decision was not put to a vote of the people, when the move will take place, the cost to the County to have Negaunee dispatch, and the purchase of 800 megahertz radios. The Board answered the questions raised and listened to both pro and con comments. With no further comment, Commissioner Lahti announced the Public Hearing was closed for the E-911 Service Plan.

Commissioner Lahti announced the Public Hearing for the 2005-2006 Housing Applications was open. The floor was turned over to Kim Stoker from the Western U.P. Planning & Development Region. Mr Stoker stated WUPPDR has applied & administered housing grants for Houghton County since 1994. The 2005 - 2006 grant they are applying for is a $200,000.00 Single Family Rehabilitation Grant, for low and moderate income homeowners, through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. It will rehabilitate 8 homes with a required match from the home owner. Residents from Calumet Township and the City of Hancock are not eligible to apply due to those districts having their own programs. Mr. Stoker answered all questions asked. With no further questions, Commissioner Lahti stated the Public Hearing was closed for the 2005-2006 Housing Grant Application.

A motion by Commissioner Ala, seconded by Jenich to approve the minutes as presented of the November 9, 2004 Regular Meeting and the November 12, 2004 Special Meeting. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Additions to the agenda were added by Commissioner Lahti #12 Century 21 listing of old school property and Commissioner Jenich added #13 Omega House request. A motion by Commissioner Jenich, seconded by Commissioner Luoma to approve the agenda with the additions as stated. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Public Comments

Dave Mattila asked the Board for the attorney=s recommendation he requested at a prior meeting. He was given a copy by the Board.

A motion by Commissioner Jenich seconded by Commissioner Barrette to approve paying the bills submitted being voucher # 92258 thru #92403 along with the late bills as read for a total of $195,241.08.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Jenich, Barrette, Ala, Luoma, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

Commissioner Lahti stated Attorney Don Hiltunen was asked to evaluate what the old school property is able to be used for as a prospective building site. Commissioner Lahti stated he addressed the City and was informed it was zoned for single family residential. The neighboring property is R3 which is multiple family. He requested permission to address the City again referring to the agreement that the property was to create a Ameasurable economic benefit@ and would need the City of Houghton to cooperate in zoning to develop the property to an economic benefit of the County and City. A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Jenich to allow Commissioner Lahti to write a letter to the City of Houghton and pursue an agreement with the City and to take legal steps if necessary. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.


Commissioner Luoma reported on the following: Houghton County Airport regarding an insurance matter, approved payments for their storm water-sewage separation stream project and wetland mitigation.
Houghton County Road Commission discussed union contracts, interviewed for the County Engineer position and hired Kevin Harju to fill that position in April of 2005. Stated the public hearings for road construction were well attended.

Commissioner Barrette reported on the following: Local Emergency Planning Committee met and stated WUPPDR is working on a Hazard Mitigation Plan thru grant money and the need for relocation of the Emergency Operation Center was discussed.
Western U.P. Health Department fiscal year 2004 not closed due to late cost settlement from the State. The State is looking at continued reductions in 2005. Superior Home Nursing business is steady, and the marketing of the new Hospice Program has started. The State has lifted the restrictions on flu vaccinations. Approved a negotiation settlement, wage and benefit re-opener which has to be ratified with the union.
Torch Lake Sewage Authority reviewed data for possible sewage rate increase with action to be taken at the December meeting. Formed a Comp Benefits Committee to discuss possible increases for employees. Approved the auditor to look into billings done by the Michigan American Water Co. to assure correct revenues are received.
911 Committee had numerous meetings and conference calls regarding the move to Negaunee.

Commissioner Jenich reported on the following: Keweenaw Industrial Council met Dec. 8th.
Western U.P. Planning & Development executive committee discussed staff compensation packages. The election of officers will take place in January. They hired a new part time staff person.
Houghton County Medical Care board was updated on the phase II completion date and the State of the State proposed short fall of $500,000,000 and how that will affect Medicaid cost. Approved turkeys to be given to the employees for Christmas.
Commission on Aging met and discussed plans for the spring project and the Seniors Heritage Day in June.
TRIAD met today with their new slate of officers. In conjunction with the Commission on Aging they are looking at sponsoring 100 locator lights to needy citizens.
Main Street Calumet - the state historic preservation officer architect will deliver a complete historic facade plan for the 3 selected property owners on 5th Street by the end of January. The close off date was December 10th and they had 17 applicants. In January the design committee will coordinate the use of the new Agassiz Park Pavilion. Membership applications are available through membership gift levels ranging from $25.00 to $5,000 a year.
Marina Committee - is looking at requesting a grant from the Michigan Water Ways Commission for a feasibility study for the marina.
Finance - 1st quarter will end this month and we will be looking at department quarterly reports next month.

Commissioner Ala reported on the following: Head Start new Blue Cross Blue Shield rates came in at a 16% raise. They opted to double the deductibles and co-pays on drugs and office calls on their medical coverage. The 2004-2005 budget has been approved.
Michigan Works - The dislocated worker program enrolled 28 people and placed 10. There was a presentation from FIA on trends in welfare. In Houghton County there were 337 enrolled in 1998 and 170 in 2004.
The Houghton County Fair Board=s January meeting will be canceled due to attending the MAFE convention in Grand Rapids. Demolition derby rules have changed. Now they will require the use of helmets. The winter storage buildings are full which helps with income.

County Officers

Clerk - Mary Schoos stated the clerks office had taken on the task of updating the county directory and Pat Janke has done an excellent job of producing an attractive directory in-house with no printing cost to the County.

County Extension Director - Carol Kreher, Acting Director, stated she will renew her position in January. The Vista worker received a job offer and will be leaving. They are hiring a new Vista worker who will be working on what is called the Keweenaw Health & Life Style. It is to help low income people receive fresh produce.

New Business

Commissioner Lahti announced Christopher Palombo representing Medical Care Access Coalition (MCAC) was unable to attend and Guy St. Germain would fill in. Mr. St. Germain explained how the use of local county funds designated for health care can be matched with federal funds for a county indigent care program. The amount of local allocation (from the 5 counties that make up the health department) that can be used to gather match money is $115,000. The allocation is match by 121% of federal money.

A motion by Commissioner Barrette, seconded by Commissioner Jenich to approve the 911 Service Plan.
Carried by the following vote:
YES: Barrette, Jenich, Ala, Luoma, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

Commissioner Barrette addressed the 800 megahertz radios. He stated with these radios the communications within the county will be improved. The radios will be paid for with a 3 year expense to the county using 911 revenue. The Ad Hoc committee after looking at the need within the county has come up with the recommendation of 83 mobile stations and 184 portable radios. This would allow at least 1 mobile and 1 portable radio for each fire department. A motion by Commissioner Barrette, seconded by Commissioner Jenich that the Board approve up to $628,000.00 and have the controller make purchase orders to the venders involved, equaling approximately that amount, no more than that amount and to also go out for financing through bids on a 3 year loan.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Barrette, Ala, Jenich, Luoma, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Jenich to approve the resolution authorizing Western U.P. Planning and Development region to submit the application for funding in the amount of $200,000 through the Michigan State Housing Development Authority.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Luoma, Jenich, Barrette, Ala, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

A motion by Commissioner Barrette, seconded by Commissioner Jenich to approve the resolution as submitted to authorize and intergovernmental transfer to support a county indigent care program.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Barrette, Jenich, Ala, Luoma, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Ala to approve adopting the Benefit Program E increase, through Municipal Employees= Retirement System of Michigan, for all retirees and beneficiaries. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

A motion by Commissioner Barrette, seconded by Commissioner Ala for Houghton County to opt in the foreclosure and sale phases of the tax-reversion process and approve the resolution as submitted.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Barrette, Ala, Jenich, Luoma, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

A motion by Commissioner Jenich, seconded by Commissioner Ala that the salary request by Judge Hood be given to the Personnel Committee and a report given at the next meeting. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Ala to appoint James Markham to serve on the Houghton County Road Commission Board for a 6 year term. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

A motion by Commissioner Barrette, seconded by Commissioner Jenich to appoint Gerald Perreault and Daniel Glinn to a two year term to the Board of Public Works. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

A motion by Commissioner Jenich, seconded by Commissioner Luoma to approve the budgeted appropriation of $14,621.00 of Cigarette Tax Monies to Western Upper Peninsula District Health Department.
Carried by the following vote.
YES: Jenich, Luoma, Barrette, Ala, Lahti 5.
NO: None 0.

A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Ala to approve a travel request for Harvey L=Esperance to attend an Electrical Inspector Training January 23 to January 29, 2005. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

A motion by Commissioner Ala, seconded by Commissioner Luoma to renew listing the old school property through Century 21. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Commissioner Jenich received a letter from Jo Lorichon, Director of Marketing and Development of Omega House, requesting the County to waive the fee for review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing plans for the Copper Country=s Omega House. A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Barrette stating the Board can not donate services they do not control. The Board requested a letter be sent explaining they are not able to donate contracted services. It would be up to the inspectors to donate their services if they chose to do so. Carried by a voice vote. Ayes 5, Nays 0.

Public Comment

Dave Mattila questioned what radios were being purchased. It was stated the venders were not notified yet and the information can not be given out.

A motion by Commissioner Luoma, seconded by Commissioner Barrette to adjourn. There being no objections the meeting was adjourned.

Michael Lahti, Chairman

Mary Schoos, Clerk